
ABS Design Assessment

GORE® Universal Pipe Gasket (Style 800) has received a PDA (Product Design Assessment) certificate under the ABS Approval Program.  The scope and limitations of this assessment are detailed on the pages attached to this certificate.

 Gasket Dimensions (Flat Ring) ASME B16.21-2016

Dimensions applicable to ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and ASME B16.47 Series A, Large Diameter Steel Flanges.

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GORE Gaskets resist creep relaxation



Visual step by step instructions for proper bolted flange assembly.

Sealants overview brochure

For more than 50 years, the Sealant Technologies Group of W. L. Gore & Associates has focused on the factors that enable more reliable sealing of piping systems, vessels, pumps and valves. Our singular focus has resulted in the development of innovative and top-performing gaskets and packings. We’ve also established a comprehensive technical services program, specially designed to help customers determine the best solutions for their toughest sealing applications.

GORE® Universal Pipe Gasket (Style 800)

GORE® Universal Pipe Gasket (Style 800) seals a broad range of flange materials with this low stress-to-seal, exceptionally dimensionally stable and chemically resistant 100% ePTFE gasket.

Universal Pipe Gasket (Style 800) Certification Oxygen Service BAM

The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) tests the sealing material compatibility for use in flanged connections with liquid and gaseous oxygen. Further information on the test procedure and the result can be found in the following test report. Please note that the test was conducted on the version of this product with no printing ink product identification.

CAUTION: Extra care is advised to ensure that the gasket surface is free from particulate contamination that accumulates due to static charge.

TA Luft in accordance with VDI 2200 for GORE Universal Pipe Gasket

This certificate is based on the test program of TÜV Anlagen- und Umwelttechnik or VDI 2440, November 2000 edition, which covers qualification testing of flange seals with respect to their leak rate, blow-out resistance and continuous functionality and verification of sealing characteristics and controlled production quality. The above points were verified in an initial test. Prerequisite is the use of flange systems made of steel, which, when installed, achieve or exceed minimum surface pressure.

Gasket Product Selection Guide

Gasket Product Selection Guide

Product Selection Guides, 252.5 KB

Guide to verify that the application meets GORE® Gasketing qualifications, and to narrow the selection of products.