

燃料电池在重型车辆(HDV)领域的商业化面临着诸多挑战,例如更长的使用寿命、更高的工作温度以及显著增加的功率输出,这些都是取代柴油发动机的关键。Simon Cleghorn探讨了PEM燃料电池作为替代方案帮助解决这些挑战,同时还可降低总拥有成本(TCO)的显著优势。






Find out how Gore is contributing to a clean energy future with innovative, high-powered and reliable fuel cell components — like Proton Exchange Membranes that can optimize the cost of ownership in motive and stationery power generation applications. Our GORE-SELECT® Membranes incorporate new-generation technologies that offer OEMs superior uniformity, higher power density and improved chemical and mechanical durability. 

Image of PEM for Water Electrolysis data sheet

GORE PEM M275.80 for Water Electrolysis helps to reduce the energy requirements of electrolysis stacks with its ability to operate effectively at high and low current densities and variable power levels within seconds. Additionally, thanks to our PEM’s low gas permeability and high energy efficiency, PEM electrolysers can safely produce more hydrogen gas per unit of energy input.

Whitepaper: Reducing LCOH with advanced Proton Exchange Membranes

This study set out to investigate the impact of PEM design on the LCOH for three distinct use cases: dedicated hydrogen production powered by nuclear, a green hydrogen production plant powered by offshore wind, and a local hydrogen production hub powered by a photovoltaic system. The GORE® PEM M275.80 was compared against both a state-of-the-art comparable market product and alkaline electrolysis, and found to be superior in all three use cases — offering the lowest LCOH thanks to its high cell efficiency.

PEMFC Advancements for Diesel Engine Transition

Commercializing fuel cells in heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) presents challenges like extended lifetimes, higher-temperature operation, and significantly increased power output, essential for displacing diesel. Simon Cleghorn discusses the compelling aspects of PEM fuel cells as an alternative to help solve these challenges, and potentially lower the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Visual of Hydrogen plant and new GORE® PEM for Water Electrolysis

Rainer Enggruber's presentation focuses on the development priorities for proton exchange membrane (PEM) water electrolysis (WE) systems to deliver a lower levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) to meet global clean energy demands in a net-zero economy.

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In this Q&A article, Shinichi Nishimura, a global product specialist for fuel cell technologies at Gore, discusses the potential of fuel cells in decarbonizing the transportation industry. With a keen focus on the pivotal role played by the membrane electrode assembly (MEA), Shinichi provides valuable insights and expertise on this critical component.

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在此篇问答文章中,W. L. Gore & Associates(戈尔公司)燃料电池技术的全球产品专家Shinichi Nishimura讨论了燃料电池在运输行业脱碳方面的潜力。凭借对膜电极组件(MEA)所发挥的关键作用的敏锐关注,Shinichi提供了针对这一关键组件的宝贵见解和专业知识。