
Dispositivi di protezione e sfiato GORE® - per veicoli heavy duty - Brochure

I sistemi di protezione e sfiato GORE proteggono in maniera affidabile i componenti elettronici delicati contro sporcizia, acqua, calore e umidità, assicurando prestazioni affidabili per apparecchiature per la movimentazione di materiali e per l'edilizia e agricole nelle condizioni operative più difficili.

Évents GORE® Protective Vents - Équipement robuste - Brochure

Les évents GORE protègent efficacement les composants électroniques de la saleté, de l’eau et de l’humidité pour que la manipulation des matériaux, l’équipement de construction et l’équipement agricole continuent de fonctionner de manière fiable, dans les conditions d’utilisation les plus rigoureuses.

Elementos de ventilación GORE® Protective Vents - Maquinaria pesada - Folleto

Los elementos de ventilación GORE Vents protegen de forma fiable los componentes electrónicos delicados de la suciedad, el agua, el calor y la humedad, para mantener la fiabilidad de la maquinaria agrícola, de construcción y de manipulación de materiales en las condiciones de trabajo más adversas.

GORE® Protective Vents – Heavy-Duty-Ausrüstungen – Broschüre

GORE® Belüftungselemente schützen sensible Elektronik vor Schmutz, Wasser, Hitze und Feuchtigkeit und sorgen so dafür, dass Bau-, Schwerlast- und Agrarmaschinen selbst unter den härtesten Umweltbedingungen zuverlässig funktionieren.

GORE® Protective Vents - Heavy Duty Equipment - Brochure

How do Your Electronics Survive in Harsh Environments?

Dirt, water, humidity, and high temperatures: Equipment used in heavy-duty industries must be able to reach peak performance even in the harshest conditions.

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Ensure superior sound and durability for your earbuds with GORE® Acoustic Vents.

Authorized by W. L. Gore & Associates, listed below are global distributors and agents who supply our microwave/RF assemblies for aerospace and defense applications. Our proven coaxial cables with a variety of connector options deliver unfailing signals with low loss from DC to 110 GHz.

When you want to purchase our products, contact one of our trusted distributors. Or, contact us to talk to a Gore representative today about your specific application needs and requirements.

View global distributors authorized to supply bulk wires and cables from W. L. Gore & Associates. Our extensive product portfolio has reliably served many industries for decades — including aerospace & defense, semiconductor & microelectronics, industrial & manufacturing, plus more.

Tubular Back-Pulse Filters Product Brochure

GORE® Membrane filter socks and GORE® Filter tube assemblies are highly efficient ePTFE membrane filters for use in tubular backpulse liquid filtration systems. They provide excellent filtration efficiency and economical performance in high flow rate and/or high feed solids applications.