安装指南, 技术信息, 181.47 KB
GORE® Universal Pipe Gasket (Style 800) & GORE® GR Sheet Gasket Ring Gasket on Flat Face Steel Flange: To achieve a reliable seal, adequate gasket stress must be applied during installation. This document provides an estimation of torque for use during assembly of standard design steel pipe flanges.
技术信息, 1.13 MB
Includes performance results for a 10-meter cable assembly with a plug and receptacle connector based on RCN8966-24.
测试数据, 140.03 KB
The following tests were performed by the QPL Lab as designated in the Request for Samples for Retention of Qualification Testing of AS6070/5 and /6 NAVAIR letter dated 6 June 2016. Samples provided passed all testing as required in the AS6070 Specification.
安装指南, 技术信息, 221.31 KB
GORE Universal Pipe Gasket (Style 800): Gasket on Glass-Lined Steel Flange. To achieve a reliable seal, adequate gasket stress must be applied during installation. This table provides an estimation of torque for use during assembly of standard pipe flanges.
安装指南, 技术信息, 180.71 KB
GORE Universal Pipe Gasket (Style 800) & GORE GR Sheet Gasketing: Ring or Full Face Gasket on Raised Face Steel Flange. To achieve a reliable seal, adequate gasket stress must be applied during installation. This document provides an estimation of torque for use during assembly of standard design steel pipe flanges.